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The Admin

"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Monday, December 7, 2009

[INFO] 091205 JCS’s “Smile Again” Fanmeeting & Tower Records Japan 2009 years best seller‏

UNICEF share love “Smile Again” public ticket sale announcement

Date: December 12th, 2009
Time: 5 pm
Place: Korean University stadium (we will confirm specific university later)

Event Objective:
Along with UNICEF’s “smile again”, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Xiah and fans together created this charitable event, hoping to create memorable memories, such a happy moment that is like a present.
Attention regarding advance ticket sales:

* Each person can only get one ticket, will be free.
* According to the application order to find place. Hooping that during reservation time, pay attention to whether or not the chosen spot is actually a seat.
* To make reservation more successful, we will award already joined members.
* Please pay attention that the number from SMS or e-mail is not the actual seat number.
* The admission ticket exchange will change on spot admission on the day of.
* (Please pay attention that you cannot enter stadium broken or damaged ticket.
* ID’s will be checked when getting the ticket (student ID/ID card) and authenticates (SMS/authentication).
* (Without confirmation, you cannot enter the stadium.
* The exchange process starts on the day of the event at 10:00, at assigned place.
* Admission time begins from 14:00.
* Accepts the sleeve belt which a time distributes not to be able to give to other people, finished until the activity needs to wear.
* Received tickets can not be transferred to other people, because you will need it until the end of the event.
* Do not use cellphones to talk pictures. At the end of the event, tickets will be recycled.
* Because the event admission process is long, be careful to take precautions against the cold weather.
* On the day of the event, we will be raising charitable funds at the entrance , hopefully we’ll obtain everyone’s support.

Early public ticket reservation date: February 8th, 2009 (Tuesday), at 8:00 pm

Edit (from sharingyoochun): confirmation ticket date from dnbn is

※ 티켓오픈예정일 : 2009년 12월 8일 (화)오후 8시
※ Ticket date: Tues, December 8th, 2009 8:00 p.m

source: yes24.com
credit: 爽儿@XIAHKING
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Tower Records Japan 2009 years best seller

■ Foreign Music:
Westen Music #1: Green Day『21st Century Breakdown』
ROCK / POP #1: Green Day『21st Century Breakdown』
SOUL / R&B #1: Michael Jackson『King Of Pop』
CLUB #1: The Prodigy『Invaders Must Die』
HIP HOP #1: Black Eyed Peas『The E.N.D.(The Energy Never Die)』
WORLD / REGGAE #1: Sean Paul『Imperial Blaze』
BLUES/COUNTRY #1: Taylor Swift『Fearless』
SOUNDTRACK #1: 『Mamma Mia! 』
DVD Western MUSIC #1: Michael Jackson『Lvie in ・Bucharest』

ASIA #1: TVXQ 『Mirotic』

(Why TVXQ is in Asia category only? Aren’t they also J-pop?
And don’t they sell more than western music in Japan? Why don’t they
list as foreign??)

■ Japanese Music:
Top sells #1: Arashi 『All the BEST! 1999-2009』
J-HIP HOP #1:  KREVA『Heart』
J-REGGAE #1: Shonannokaze 『~JOKER~』
VISUAL #1: Shido 『hikari』
DVD MUSIC(Japanese) #1: Arashi『ARASHI AROUND ASIA 2008 in TOKYO』

CLASSICAL Imported: #1: Karajan&BPO『Brahms:The first symphony,
Schoenberg: Verklärte Nacht』
CLASSICAL Domestic: #1: Nobuyuki Tsujii 『debut』
JAZZ #1: Melody Gardot『My One And Only Thrill』

source: Barks News
trans by : Always Keep The Faith!
shared by : sharingyoochun@wordpress


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