[INFO] 091205 JCS’s “Smile Again” Fanmeeting & Tower Records Japan 2009 years best seller
UNICEF share love “Smile Again” public ticket sale announcement
Date: December 12th, 2009
Time: 5 pm
Place: Korean University stadium (we will confirm specific university later)
Event Objective:
Along with UNICEF’s “smile again”, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Xiah and fans together created this charitable event, hoping to create memorable memories, such a happy moment that is like a present.
Attention regarding advance ticket sales:
* Each person can only get one ticket, will be free.
* According to the application order to find place. Hooping that during reservation time, pay attention to whether or not the chosen spot is actually a seat.
* To make reservation more successful, we will award already joined members.
* Please pay attention that the number from SMS or e-mail is not the actual seat number.
* The admission ticket exchange will change on spot admission on the day of.
* (Please pay attention that you cannot enter stadium broken or damaged ticket.
* ID’s will be checked when getting the ticket (student ID/ID card) and authenticates (SMS/authentication).
* (Without confirmation, you cannot enter the stadium.
* The exchange process starts on the day of the event at 10:00, at assigned place.
* Admission time begins from 14:00.
* Accepts the sleeve belt which a time distributes not to be able to give to other people, finished until the activity needs to wear.
* Received tickets can not be transferred to other people, because you will need it until the end of the event.
* Do not use cellphones to talk pictures. At the end of the event, tickets will be recycled.
* Because the event admission process is long, be careful to take precautions against the cold weather.
* On the day of the event, we will be raising charitable funds at the entrance , hopefully we’ll obtain everyone’s support.
Early public ticket reservation date: February 8th, 2009 (Tuesday), at 8:00 pm
Edit (from sharingyoochun): confirmation ticket date from dnbn is
※ 티켓오픈예정일 : 2009년 12월 8일 (화)오후 8시
※ Ticket date: Tues, December 8th, 2009 8:00 p.m
source: yes24.com
credit: 爽儿@XIAHKING
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Tower Records Japan 2009 years best seller
■ Foreign Music:
Westen Music #1: Green Day『21st Century Breakdown』
ROCK / POP #1: Green Day『21st Century Breakdown』
SOUL / R&B #1: Michael Jackson『King Of Pop』
CLUB #1: The Prodigy『Invaders Must Die』
HIP HOP #1: Black Eyed Peas『The E.N.D.(The Energy Never Die)』
WORLD / REGGAE #1: Sean Paul『Imperial Blaze』
BLUES/COUNTRY #1: Taylor Swift『Fearless』
SOUNDTRACK #1: 『Mamma Mia! 』
DVD Western MUSIC #1: Michael Jackson『Lvie in ・Bucharest』
ASIA #1: TVXQ 『Mirotic』
(Why TVXQ is in Asia category only? Aren’t they also J-pop?
And don’t they sell more than western music in Japan? Why don’t they
list as foreign??)
■ Japanese Music:
Top sells #1: Arashi 『All the BEST! 1999-2009』
J-HIP HOP #1: KREVA『Heart』
J-REGGAE #1: Shonannokaze 『~JOKER~』
VISUAL #1: Shido 『hikari』
DVD MUSIC(Japanese) #1: Arashi『ARASHI AROUND ASIA 2008 in TOKYO』
CLASSICAL Imported: #1: Karajan&BPO『Brahms:The first symphony,
Schoenberg: Verklärte Nacht』
CLASSICAL Domestic: #1: Nobuyuki Tsujii 『debut』
JAZZ #1: Melody Gardot『My One And Only Thrill』
source: Barks News
trans by : Always Keep The Faith!
shared by : sharingyoochun@wordpress
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