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Shinkifive is your ultimate site for TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki. Shinkifive brings you the latest updates on TVXQ, from sharing news and information, photos, videos, etc. Join now as we support the five gorgeous and talented boys: Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin. Come on, and enjoy your visit.

The Admin

"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Sunday, April 4, 2010

[TRANS] 100403 Avex's Announcement Regarding the Continuation of Tohoshinki

Good evening, this is the Bigeast Office.
Today, the following press release was announced. We would inform you as follows.


Regarding "Tohoshinki"

We have an announcement regarding the artist "Tohoshinki" who belongs to our company. We would make the following notice.

● The activities as "Tohoshinki" will be suspended.

The activities of "Tohoshinki" will be suspended, but our company will make our best efforts in order to support the activities of the 5 members, who possess outstanding talents and are promised with a great future, at full strength.

Please warmly watch over "Junsu", "Yoochun", "Jaejoong", "Changmin", and "Yunho".
We appreciate your kind understanding.

avex management


Tohoshinki's activities will be suspended, but the Bigeast is a place where everyone treasures the bond between the 5 members and everyone.
The continuation of Bigeast is also under discussion of the Bigeast Office.
We are sorry for making a nuisance to all the Bigeasts, but we will inform you [about the future of Bigeast] by the end of April, so please wait for awhile.

2010/4/3 Sent at 18:00
Bigeast Office

Source: Bigeast Fan Mail + Tohoshinki's Official Website + avex group's Official Website
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Special thanks: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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