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Shinkifive is your ultimate site for TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki. Shinkifive brings you the latest updates on TVXQ, from sharing news and information, photos, videos, etc. Join now as we support the five gorgeous and talented boys: Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin. Come on, and enjoy your visit.

The Admin

"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Saturday, September 26, 2009

[TRANS] 090925 Bigeast News/Fanmail , New event from avex - TOHOSHINKI LIVE 2009!

Hello Bigeast members.
Today, we had a meeting and have decided on TOHOSHINKI LIVE 2009

You are going to meet the 5 members of Tohoshinki again on the big screen!
We have come to decide to have their amazing voices on the big screen of theaters - an event called "TOHOSHINKI LIVE 2009" that will include the best performances of them.
We cannot reveal many details right now until this important and precious event fully starts. But how about we reveal to you a little bit about the contents...?

1. a-nation's performances, we are going to show it all!

2. Of course, the legendary The Secret Code in Tokyo Dome!
Not only the all the performances at 09 a-nation! The live performance that has touched, motivated, and pleased the audience are also going full-force on the big screen, guaranteed with perfection!
Furthermore, we are also preparing for the audience who didn't have a chance to attend The Secret Code tour!

3. Tohoshinki's popular PVs BEST 10!
We will be showing only the BEST 10 PVs that fans vote! What rank will your favorite song be in the poll——!?
Please make up your mind on your choices!

To vote for your favorite PVs → http://sleeper-net.com/tohothelive09/mailform.html

Details on location, schedule and ticket will be announced on Thursday 10/1 on this website, please check it.

TOHOSHINKI THE LIVE 2009 special site →http://avexlive.jp/toho_thelive2009/

*Tohoshinki themselves will not be at the event.
*Details of the event might be altered. Please check back frequently for updates.

T/N: Okay, I know the event is for Bigeast members only, but in case you want to vote for your favorite PVs anyway, here's the instructions:

- Go to http://sleeper-net.com/tohothelive09/mailform.html
- Write an email to tohothelive09@av.avex.co.jp with a blank subject title and complete the following:
--- 性別 (Gender):write 女性 if female, 男性 if male.
--- ファンクラブに入会していますか? (Are you a member of the fanclub aka Bigeast?):write either Yes or No
--- 年齢 (Age) : write 10代 20代 30代 etc. if you're in your 10s, 20s, 30s, etc.
--- お住まいの地域 (Where you live): this requires a Japanese prefecture, just write 東京都 for Tokyo, or choose a place you like.
--- List ONLY 3 of you most favorite PVs form the list that the website provides you. They won't count the 4th one on.
- Send email!

Time to vote: 9/25 7pm - 9/29 3pm.

Source: http://toho-jp.net/ + Bigeast Fanmail
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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