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"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Sunday, September 27, 2009

[TRANS] 090925 "Heading to the Ground"'s Ratings Drop Below 5% in South Korea

On the morning of September 25th, Beijing time, according to South Korean media reports that MBC TV drama Heading to the Ground"'s rating are in a bitter struggle. In between the 17th and 23rd of September, the ratings were recorded more than 5 %. However, during the late 24th of September, the drama's ratings have yet again reached below 5 %.

South Korea's ratings, according to research firm AGB Nielsen Company released on the morning of the 25th, statistics show that after the 24th's brodacast of "Heading to the Ground," the ratings have once again dropped back down again.

"Heading to the Ground" is a drama which Jung Yunho of TVXQ stars in, and has become a popular topic. However, after the drama has begun broadcasting, there has not been much improvement in ratings, with ratings hovering around 4-5 %.

Source: PRC Tianjin Windows + Wikidrama
Translation: Wynniie @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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