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Shinkifive is your ultimate site for TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki. Shinkifive brings you the latest updates on TVXQ, from sharing news and information, photos, videos, etc. Join now as we support the five gorgeous and talented boys: Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin. Come on, and enjoy your visit.

The Admin

"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Thursday, November 12, 2009

[PIC] A store Named after Kim Junsu

A Chinese fan was out shopping and came across this stores. The name of the store is Kim Junsu (金俊秀), it sells Korean Menswear.

See how popular our Junsu is? He has got a store named after him!
Unfortunately, the fan did not charge into the store to ask the manager if he/she is a Junsu fan. But no worries, once others found out about this store, they are determined to go and find out!

credit: 爱上㈤月@baidu
shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpres


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