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The Admin

"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Friday, December 18, 2009

[TRANS] 091216 Keita and Jaejoong “We Are Together”

The following is an excerpt from Tokyo FM’s Diamond Bell radio program (on the 12th) with W-inds.

Keita Tachibana: Talking about Tokyo Tower’s presents, everyone should have some memories with Tokyo Tower right?

Ryohei Chiba: Memories about Tokyo Tower?

Keita Tachibana: Uh-huh

Ryuichi Ogata: Memory about Tokyo Tower…

Ryohei Chiba: Um…

Keita Tachibana: I have one. Once I went to Tokyo Tower with just us 2 guys.

Ryohei Chiba: With Jaejoong right?

Keita Tachibana: Yes, with Jaejoong…

Ryuichi Ogata: Heard you talk about it before.

Ryohei Chiba: With Tohoshinki’s Jaejoong.

Keita Tachibana: Together with Jaejoong, the two of us went to Tokyo Tower, we wanted to take a picture as a souvenir, so we asked people around us “Please help us take a picture.” The people around us asked us questions like “What are you two doing?” So we replied “We are together” (as in a relationship), then that person really came to take the picture. (laughs)

Ryuichi Ogata: You can’t talk like that.

Ryohei Chiba: Its really not funny.

Keita Tachibana: But after that, we honesty tried to explain: “We are just joking, only joking.” This is my memory.

Credit: herobar
Trans: sharingyoochun.net
Shared by: oneTVXQ.com


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