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"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Thursday, April 29, 2010

[TRANS] 100429 The Results of the Dome Event Ticket Lottery, An Article from a Japanese Blog

2010-04-28 15:16:46

The results of the ticket lottery were out, how was the results?

(few sentences omitted)

Immediately after the results were announced on 13:00, the Yahoo auction was an uproar…
We knew that this will happen…
Because, this time, everyone who has registered in the a-ticket can obtain the tickets…
(T/N: There were no special reservation chances for Bigeast members in advance for this event.)

Please check here.
Yahoo Auction
(T/N: Hope you see prices of the tickets…the immediate purchase price is 100000yen, approx 1080 USD per ticket.)

If you look in carefully, some of the names are the same.
They should be professional traders.
They should have applied, using many names of their friends.

The price should go up, higher up, to the top.
Ticket Ryutsu is worse.
Everytime I go there, the numbers of tickets on sale increases.
100000yen (1080USD) per ticket? 150000yen (1630USD)?
And many are already under negotiation.

Ticket Ryutsu Center
(T/N: There are 276 cases for the dome event auction on the timing I am translating this article)

They should not have sold the ticket at a-ticket.
I could not understand what avex is thinking.
The “Thanksgiving Live” should be for the true fans.
What is the meaning of the Bigeast fan club?

(few sentences omitted)

Do you know?
Not only professional agents but also the students participate in the tickets auctions in order to increase their pocket money nowadays.
I once met a person that became a member of the Bigeast for such reasons, since they know that Tohoshinki tickets can be sold at high prices.

I was surprised that the mother (of the girl) was recommending the auction to her daughter, saying that
“It is better than to gain money from morally questionable places.”
I complained to her, using many words.
But she did not understand me.
Do you think it is right for the parents to agree on such methods?

I am so sorry that this day should come.
I heard that this time, the lottery rate for this dome event was 40 to 50 times.
CEO Max was saying in his twitter that there were more than 1 million applicants ~(@_@;)
What is the meaning of “Thanksgiving”, if those who really want to go could not go.
I know that the 3 members are not wishing for this situation.
avex! Please think a little bit more.

There are alternates between joy and grief for the ticket lottery, I sincerely hope that there will be no unsightly arguments…

CEO Max’s twitter

2010-04-29 02:04:1

There seemed to be tremendous amounts of complains on the twitter.
I heard that there are many protest mails sent to the Bigeast office…

But, we are fortunate enough to hear the true voice of CEO Max through the twitter, so these are the speedy good days.

I have copied the contents of Max’s twitter here.
(T/N: Please refer to the topic here for the trans)

He is saying that they have checked the personal data, and 90% of the tickets have gone to the Bigeasts.

(few sentences omitted)

How was the situation for you?

But thinking deeply, since 90% were selected from Bigeasts, the many persons giving out the tickets in the auction sites are mostly Bigeasts.
That gave me a great shock.
Are those people members of the Bigeast because they want to make profits from Tohoshinki?
I feel very frustrated.
The Bigeast magazine, which the Bigeast office dearly publishes…Are they going to the trash bins immediately after they receive them?
Or, are they also giving them out to the auctions?
I am so frustrated………

Source: MY TREASURE (romi’s blog)
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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