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The Admin

"I think if one of the five members is gone, then this wouldnt be DBSK. Only if the five of us are together and feel the same, then that's when we use the name DBSK and show ourselves as DBSK." -Changmin



Monday, July 12, 2010

[TRANS] 100712 Tohoshinki's newly released special albums secure positions on the Oricon

Despite being on indefinite hiatus, the special album released by popular Korean group TVXQ garnered a great deal of attention.

Recent figures disclosed by the Oricon - the most widely recognized sales chart in Japan - revealed that the 'Complete A-side Collection' album released on June 30th sold 83,798 copies in just one week, and was ranked third on the weekly chart. Over the same time frame, 'Complete B-side Collection' sold 83,000 copies and was placed fourth.

The two albums released by TVXQ have sold nearly 170,000 copies in just one week, thus exhibiting their astounding popularity in Japan. It is also worth noting that the international version of TVXQ's debut track 'Hug' is included in the 'Complete A-side Collection'.

Credits: TVXQBaidu
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights


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